Come to get treatment in France in VIP mode!
11 octobre 2016
Cardiology and Cardiac – We are all concerned!
9 novembre 2016


A quality health system, a favorable environment …

France has several compelling advantages to play a major role in the health field. Its hospitals are providing a quality care, have advanced technical platforms and renown health’s professionals.

In 2000, on the ranking of the World Health Organization, France was known as the world’s best health care system, which has consolidated its reputation in the long-term. Some services with which Evadeô Pro works closely as the Gustave Roussy Institute for cancer treatment, or the Georges Pompidou European Hospital for the treatment of heart disease, are haloed with a worldwide reputation. In addition, prices in France are very competitive compared to countries with a similar quality of care.

With almost 1,000 public hospitals and 1,800 private institutions, the capacity of care offers of France depend on the reputation of our medicine, seen as one of the best because of its excellence, its public service values of health and access to care for all. Beyond the hospital care, major entities of the French medical system offer, in partnership with EVADEO Pro, multiple skills: public health expertise in risk management, epidemiology, hospital structure, etc… These skills are popular abroad, particularly in countries that wish to establish an efficient health care system.

With the aim to benefit from the greatest number of qualities of the French health care system, and facilitate to everyone the access to healthcare in France, the French government looks forward to open the possibility for some hospitals to establish subsidiaries to better use their expertise abroad. Therefore, the French medical sector’s strategy is to promote the « quality of French health system » abroad. Indeed, health skills of our country, although still on a higher level in comparison with most of the major nations of the world, were until recently little valued.

As a leading company in the field of medical stays in France, and a pioneer in medical tourism « à la française », Evadeô Pro intends to fully contribute, for several years, at the international influence of the three colors of healthcare offers.

Whether coming to get treatment in France, to make a check-up in France, to give birth in France, or to follow a plastic surgery program in a French renowned institution, Evadeô Pro is your best interlocutor for your stay by taking over all aspects from A to Z, and with the best price.

By sharing with the world the undeniable strengths of our French medicine, everything is now implemented for France, first tourist destination in the world, becomes as one of the first medical destination.

Discover our offers and services by requesting a quote; our team will be happy to answer all your questions!

Evadêo Pro – Leader of Healthcare stays and medical tourism in France.

Get treatment in France

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