14 juin 2019

A new technology using radioactivity in France: PET/MRI to diagnose and treat cancer

For the past two years, Henri-Mondor Hospital has been using an innovative machine, combining MRI and PET for more accurate cancer diagnosis. Siemens medical’s TEP/IRM -Biograph […]
7 juin 2019

Facial Pain

One in 5,000 people suffer from it and it occurs twice out of three times after age 60, both male and female. Facial neuralgia can affect […]
31 mai 2019


The prostate is a gland surrounding the urethra below the bladder. Its main function is the production of seminal fluid which is stored in the seminal […]
12 avril 2019


Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. It represents the 3rd most frequent cancer in men after prostate cancer and lung […]
4 avril 2019

Epilepsy: complex and still poorly understood….

A diversity of symptoms and evolution: there is not one but several epilepsies. Together, they constitute the 3rd most common neurological disease, after migraine and dementia. […]
15 février 2019

Crohn’s disease

We hear a lot about chronic diseases linked to intestinal inflammation and six million people suffer from chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in the world (in […]
1 février 2019

The fight against meningitis….

An article published in the medical journal Lancet Neurology revealed that, although significant progress had been made in controlling the disease worldwide, the « meningitis belt » countries […]
2 janvier 2019


Certains lisent le passé, d’autres tentent de prédire l’avenir. EVADEO PRO assure le présent pour votre Santé Tous nos Meilleurs Vœux pour cette Nouvelle Année !  Et […]
28 novembre 2018

Pulmonary infection alert: pneumonia, tuberculosis can be deadly!

The lungs are constantly exposed to many risks of infection, some are benign but others can be fatal: pneumonia could kill 11 million children by 2030, […]