You are about to come for treatment in France.
To put all the assets on your side and contribute to the optimal progress of your medical evacuation or your medical stay in France, Evadeô Pro provides you with its experience and know-how for you address the following tips:
- 1. First, remember to see your doctor
- 2. Also remember to take stock of the financing of your medical stay or medical evacuation.
- 3. Ask for information on the program of your stay
- 4. Start your visa procedures in advance
- 5. Prepare all the necessary items for your trip
1. First, remember to see your doctor
• If you are on medication, you need to know the nature of your treatment, its duration
• Also remember to ask him for as much medical information as possible (reports, check-ups, imaging, medical analyzes, diagnoses, etc.). This will be valuable information for the French medical services
• Finally ask him to prescribe a work stoppage that you will give to your employer by informing him that you are going abroad for treatment
2. Also remember to take stock of the financing of your medical stay or medical evacuation.
• Make sure you identify which organizations or structures participate in the financing of your stay, and in what proportion• Find out about the nature of the costs covered, because it may differ depending on the organization or employer: medical, paramedical, accommodation, transport, food, accompanying person, etc.
3. Ask for information on the program of your stay
• Try to know in advance the dates, stages and main periods to remember (consultations, hospitalization, rehabilitation), hospitals or health structures supposed to welcome you.
• If possible, ask for a copy of the convocations to the hospitals, as well as the certificates of payment for your stay; these documents may support your visa application for France
4. Start your visa procedures in advance
• Have all the documents to support your visa application
• Plan, as far as possible, a period of validity of your visa in relation to the estimate of your medical stay
• If coming with a guide, also make sure that the latter completes the administrative procedures on time.
5. Prepare all the necessary items for your trip
• Remember to gather all the documents that are useful or essential for the smooth running of your stay: complete medical file, doctor's recommendations, insurance certificates, certificates of support, passports and visas ...
• Remember to gather all the documents that are useful or essential for the smooth running of your stay: complete medical file, doctor's recommendations, insurance certificates, certificates of support, passports and visas ...
• Provide clothing suitable for the season during which your medical stay or medical evacuation is planned. For a medical stay in France without bad surprises, follow the advice Evadeô Pro !